U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon | Powered by the Sun

Solar Decathlon 2011

Scores by Team

Canada: University of Calgary

The University of Calgary's current scores in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon are shown below.

Contest Rank Score
Architecture T17 80.000  Architecture: 80.000 points (ranked  # T17)
Market Appeal 9 87.000  Market Appeal: 87.000 points (ranked  # 9)
Engineering 10 83.000  Engineering: 83.000 points (ranked  # 10)
Communications 8 81.000  Communications: 81.000 points (ranked  # 8)
Affordability 7 96.395  Affordability: 96.395 points (ranked  # 7)
Comfort Zone 18 61.347  Comfort Zone: 61.347 points (ranked  # 18)
Hot Water 2 99.500  Hot Water: 99.500 points (ranked  # 2)
Appliances 7 95.599  Appliances: 95.599 points (ranked  # 7)
Home Entertainment 4 97.569  Home Entertainment: 97.569 points (ranked  # 4)
Energy Balance 5 56.013  Energy Balance: 56.013 points (ranked  # 5)
100 points possible per contest

Last updated: Oct. 1, 2011, at 03:47 p.m.

Overall scores reflect penalties, but individual contest scores do not. Therefore, the total score presented may not match the sum of contest scores.