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Über Smart Eco-Inventions Designed by Students

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Imagine building a single-family house with only hand-powered tools. Sounds crazy, right? Well, students from Clemson University built not just one such house, but two. They built a local version to stay in South Carolina and a traveling version to demonstrate this concept at the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2015 competition. Their Sim[PLY] construction method allows an average person to assemble pre-cut, numbered components with just stainless steel zip ties. It’s like a three-dimensional puzzle of a 1,000-square-foot home…that’s also a totally livable home.

Solar Decathlon 2013: Raising More Than Just Walls

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Editor’s Note: This entry has been cross-posted from DOE’s Energy Blog.

For the teams competing in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon, every cent counts. From researching design options and building supplies to transporting houses and communications materials, the costs of developing a competition house can add up. But before the teams even start on the building process, they must first master the art of fundraising.

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