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Photo of Team Maryland's solar-powered house on the National Mall at Solar Decathlon 2002. Enlarge image

The University of Maryland incorporated energy conservation and renewable energy into a traditional-looking home.
(Credit: Paul Norton/U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon)

Who: University of Maryland
What: Solar House
No longer available

Solar Decathlon 2002

University of Maryland: Proving Possibilities

The University of Maryland's house came in fourth place at the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2002. After the competition, the university sold individual components of the house to recover some of the project's cost.

In the end, Team Maryland's house demonstrated not only the practicality of solar energy in residential design but also the ability of students to plan, manage, and complete a major interdisciplinary design project. The 2002 team set the stage for the school to compete in the Solar Decathlon 2005, 2007, and 2011 events.