U.S. Green Building Council

A cornerstone of the U.S. Green Building Council's mission to transform the built environment is its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program, which promotes and recognizes the development of high-performance green buildings such as the ones shown here.
(Credit: SpawGlass)
(Credit: Heather Ferrier)
(Credit: M-Buck Studio, LLC)
Solar Decathlon 2007
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is excited to be a first-time sponsor of the 2007 Solar Decathlon. With a wealth of industry experience in green building, the USGBC, a nonprofit organization composed of leaders from across the building industry, is looking forward to working with tomorrow's builders, architects, and designers to advance the industry toward building environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy spaces in which to live and work.
Since its founding in 1993, USGBC has focused on fulfilling the building and construction industry's vision for its own transformation to high-performance green building. Today, it includes more than 11,000 member companies and organizations. In the past five years alone, USGBC's membership has quadrupled, and more than 2 billion square feet of building space are involved with its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program.
The Council is as diverse as the marketplace it serves. Membership includes building owners and end-users, real estate developers, architects, engineers, students, and educators. Driving its mission to transform the built environment is the LEED Green Building Rating System, which is accessible online and supported by a robust LEED Workshop program and the LEED Professional Accreditation program. USGBC supports a rich education and research agenda, including Greenbuild—the largest international conference and expo focused on green building.
LEED is a voluntary building certification program that defines high-performance green buildings, which are healthier, and more environmentally responsible and profitable structures. LEED addresses a variety of buildings and building project types through individualized systems, including new construction, existing buildings, commercial interiors, core and shell, homes, and neighborhood development.
The LEED for Homes program is a voluntary rating system that promotes the design and construction of high-performance "green" homes. A green home uses less energy, water, and natural resources; creates less waste; and is healthier and more comfortable for the occupants. Benefits of a LEED home include lower energy and water bills; reduced greenhouse gas emissions; and less exposure to mold, mildew, and other indoor toxins. USGBC began the pilot test of the LEED for Homes program in August 2005. More than 400 builders representing 7,500 homes across the United States are participating in the pilot program, and more than 200 homes have been LEED certified. The pilot test will conclude in fall 2007, and USGBC will launch the LEED for Homes program rating system after member approval in November.
With its commitment to increasing knowledge of, and expertise in, sustainable building, USGBC is proud to support the Solar Decathlon.