Technical Resources

The 2007 Solar Decathlon New York Institute of Technology house features a rooftop pond for the house's geothermal heat pump, rather than a traditional underground source, which can't be used on the National Mall.
Solar Decathlon 2007
From journal entries, final scores, and a summary of media hits, to technology innovations and house drawings, the 2007 Solar Decathlon technical resources posted on this page provide insight and guidance to the 2009 Solar Decathlon teams.
And, this information is not just for Solar Decathlon team members. Public audiences interested in renewable energy technologies will also find these resources informative.
Some of the following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader.
2007 Solar Decathlon Rules and Regulations
The official rules and regulations for the 2007 Solar Decathlon. (PDF 2.2 MB)
Daily Journals
During the 2007 competition, daily updates written by Competition Director Richard King were posted on the Web site. These journals give a sense of day-to-day life during the competition.
Daily Event Schedule
This schedule kept the 2007 teams updated on all activities, 24 hours a day, from the time of their arrival in Washington, D.C., through assembly, the competition, disassembly, and departure. (PDF 69 KB)
Juror Information
Brief biographical information about each juror.
Final Detailed Scores and Standings
The complete scoring spreadsheet, including very detailed information for each team and contest. (Zip 14.5 MB)
Media Summary
The 2007 Solar Decathlon garnered a huge amount of media attention. (PDF 217 KB)
Technical Publications
In addition to media coverage, the Solar Decathlon has been cited in a variety of research and technical publications. (PDF 218 KB)
Brief descriptions of innovations and cutting-edge building technologies used by some of the 2007 teams. (PDF 167 KB)
Instrumentation and Monitoring for Solar Decathlon 2007
Description of the monitoring equipment used in the competition. (PDF 168 KB)
Drawings and Specifications from the 2007 Teams
Drawings and other required information, such as equipment and specifications, as submitted by the 2007 teams for the competition. The most recent drawings are posted when as-built drawings are unavailable. The files contained within the zip files may be in a variety of file formats, which may or may not be readable by any given user.
Neither the United States, nor the Department of Energy, nor the Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees make any warranty, express or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness for any purpose of any technical resources or data attached or otherwise presented here as reference material.
Carnegie Mellon University
- Drawings (Zip 9.3 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 13.7 MB)
Cornell University
- Drawings (Zip 70.6 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 15.3 MB)
Georgia Institute of Technology
- Drawings (Zip 261 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 63 MB)
Kansas Project Solar House
- Drawings (Zip 22.1 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 3.9 MB)
Lawrence Technological University
- Drawings (Zip 45.6 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 73.3 MB)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Drawings (Zip 4.3 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 200 KB)
New York Institute of Technology
- Drawings (Zip 18.4 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 41.6 MB)
Penn State
- Drawings (Zip 267 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 53.9 MB)
Santa Clara University
- Drawings (Zip 43.5 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 11.2 MB)
Team Montreal
- Drawings (Zip 61.2 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 118 MB)
Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Drawings (Zip 84.6 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 127 MB)
Texas A&M University
- Drawings (Zip 26.2 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 9.7 MB)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Drawings (Zip 46 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 38.4 MB)
Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Drawings (Zip 225 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 21.1 MB)
University of Colorado at Boulder
- Drawings (Zip 93.8 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 43.9 MB)
University of Cincinnati
- Drawings (Zip 6.6 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 12.9 MB)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Drawings (Zip 14.9 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 38.9 MB)
University of Maryland
- Drawings (Zip 28.6 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 30.1 MB)
University of Missouri—Rolla
- Drawings (Zip 58.9 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 18.1 MB)
University of Texas at Austin
- Drawings (Zip 49.8 MB)
- Specifications (Zip 11 MB)