Team Missouri: Showing The World The Possibilities Of Solar

Team Missouri's Show-Me House joined three other Solar Decathlon houses in Missouri University of Science and Technology's own Solar Village. The Show-Me House incorporates long, horizontal lines to reflect the state's landscape.
(Courtesy of Bryan Glass)
Who: Team Missouri
What: Show-Me House
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO 65401
Map This House
Public tours: Not available
Solar Decathlon 2009
Team Missouri's U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2009 house returned to the Missouri University of Science and Technology campus following the competition. It was reconstructed over summer 2010 in the nearby Solar Village, where the school's three previous competition houses are also located.
Missouri University of Science and Technology participated in all three U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlons leading up to the 2009 competition. For its fourth event, the school partnered with the University of Missouri-Columbia to build the Show-Me House. The resulting solar-powered abode could convince even the most stalwart Midwesterner of sustainable living's benefits. From reclaimed sorghum cabinetry to an automated energy management system, Show-Me House offers something to impress everyone.
Like its sister houses, Show-Me House will be rebuilt with a basement that contains the functional systems and serves as the house's research hub. It will also be available as a student rental for the academic year, with priority given to members of the Solar Decathlon teams. So far, all of the past Solar Decathlon houses in Solar Village have been rented, which demonstrates their appeal and livability.
The village is managed by the Student Design and Experiential Learning Center, which was created to support student design teams. Roughly 10% of the Missouri University of Science and Technology's undergraduate student body participates in creative projects ranging from the Advanced Aero Vehicle Group to the Concrete Canoe Team. The university has done an impressive job of showing the world what possibilities exist for the future.
Find more information on the Missouri S&T Solar House Team Web site.