Team Alabama: University Of Alabama At Birmingham And Calhoun Community College
s u r v i v ( A L ) House, designed by the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Calhoun Community College (Team Alabama), placed fifth overall at the U.S. Department of Energy 2017 Solar Decathlon. The team earned third place in the Home Life and Energy Contests.
After the Solar Decathlon, s u r v i v ( A L ) House was reassembled on campus at 11th Avenue South and 17th Street in Birmingham and renamed to the UAB Solar House and Sustainable Community. It was retrofitted with a microgrid that employs alternative and renewable energy generation, as well as advanced energy storage isolated from the central grid. The Community includes a community garden, Monarch Waystation, 2,500-gallon rainwater cistern, and beehives. Since 2020, the house has been open for free public tours and used as an office and event venue. The Solar House and Sustainable Community is a living laboratory for renewable energy, waste management, conservation, and clean gardening practices.
Keep up with the house on the UAB site, the team's Instagram and Facebook page.
Credit: Ben Heine from the University of Alabama at Birmingham
Team: Team Alabama: University of Alabama at Birmingham and Calhoun Community College
House: s u r v i v ( A L ) House
11th Avenue South and 17th Street
Birmingham, AL
Map This House
Public Tours: Yes