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Photo of the University of Maryland home surrounded by signs describing the home's energy efficient and solar energy features.

Among the communications products produced by student teams were outdoor signs that described the features of their homes for visitors, such as these signs made by the Maryland team.

Solar Decathlon 2007


(100 points)

The Communications contest challenges teams to communicate about the technical aspects of their homes as well as their experiences to a wide audience through Web sites and public tours. Points are awarded based on success in delivering clear and consistent messages and images that represent the vision, process, and results of each team's project. To judge this contest, a jury of Web site development and public relations experts evaluates the team Web sites and experience student-led tours of each home. The jurors evaluate how informative and engaging the Web site content is, as well as how easy it is to find that information. The sites must also adhere to technical standards. Jurors also evaluate the house tour content and presentation by tour guides.