Zach Berzolla is #SDLivingtheDream:
Using a Multidisciplinary Approach for Effective Building Design
Monday, December 14, 2020
For this edition of #SDLivingtheDream we learn about Zach Berzolla, a 2018 Middlebury College team alumnus. He shares with us the work he is doing at MIT, along with key concepts that he has learned for successful building design, from Solar Decathlon. How about that for a doer designer!
Name: Zach Berzolla
Year participated in Solar Decathlon: 2018 Design Challenge
University team: Middlebury College
Current organization / employer: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sustainable Design Lab
Current role: Research Assistant/ SMBT Student
How did participation in the Solar Decathlon affect the trajectory of your career?
I knew I was interested in zero energy buildings, but the Solar Decathlon cemented for me that I wanted to make this field my career. Furthermore, as I started working with the multidisciplinary team I assembled for the Race to Zero, I realized the importance of an integrated design process. This was one of the reasons I ended up at the MIT Sustainable Design Lab for my master’s; the lab is multi-disciplinary and focused on tools and analyses that architects, engineers, and policy-makers can all understand.
Describe a work outcome, building project or other achievement you are most proud of and how (if) it relates to your experience with Solar Decathlon.
At MIT, I have been working with other members of my lab to make urban building energy modeling tools accessible to every city so that they can make physics-backed decisions on how to meet their emissions reduction goals. Through Solar Decathlon trainings and collaborations, I learned the applied building physics that underlie every building upgrade strategy we propose to meet these emissions reduction goals.
Tags: #SDLivingTheDream, 2018 Design Challenge, Alumni, Middlebury College, Profiles