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Join the Solar Decathlon as a Sponsor!

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Solar Decathlon hosts standing in front of a sponsor poster.

Inspire and support tomorrow’s buildings industry leaders today by becoming a sponsor for the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon®!

With the participation of thousands of collegiate students and faculty as part of the zero energy building competition each year, Solar Decathlon offers partner organizations an unparalleled opportunity to create relationships with the innovative building professional s of tomorrow.

  • Align your brand with the U.S. Department of Energy competition that has created cutting-edge buildings and inspired thousands of students worldwide to enter the clean energy workforce.
  • Partners of the Solar Decathlon enjoy benefits such as:
    • Tax deductible donations
    • Exclusive networking and hiring opportunities with top students
    • VIP access to Solar Decathlon events
    • Logo promotion on a national scale, including at 2023 Build Challenge exhibitions
    • Social media highlights
    • And more!

Sponsor Testimonial:

“As a first-time Solar Decathlon sponsor in 2022, we found there were many opportunities for Infineon to participate, and the Solar Decathlon team helped us understand how best to engage, which was good for Infineon and good for the student teams.

Infineon believes that solar power plays a crucial role in our future, and it will be critical to the company reaching its goal to be carbon neutral by 2030.”

Patrick Thompson, Senior Manager, Government Relations, Infineon

Registration is now open for the 2023 Design Challenge, and 2023 Build Challenge teams are breaking ground on their zero energy homes, which will be open for public exhibition in spring 2023. Join us in building the next generation! Reach out to to learn more.

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