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Denver, Colorado
October 5-15, 2017

Solar Decathlon Educator Resources

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon recommends the following free teacher resources to explore energy, building science, and solar energy in the classroom. The National Energy Education Development Project (NEED) works in partnership with the U.S. Energy Information Agency to provide current energy data in their educational materials. NEED resources are available for free download for classroom and educational use. For more information, and to download additional NEED energy resources, visit You can also find more resources in DOE's STEM Rising Newsletter.


  • Energy Infobooks

    Energy Infobooks contain a range of resources for teachers using NEED activities in the classroom, including a full curriculum, activities, and standards correlation. The following Energy Infobooks cover an introduction to energy, information on major sources of energy, new technologies, energy conservation, electricity, and other energy information.

    Primary Energy Infobook
    Grades: K–2
    Time: 1.5–2.5 hours

    Elementary Energy Infobook
    Grades: 3–5
    Time: 1.5–2.5 hours

    Intermediate Energy Infobook
    Grades: 6–8
    Time: 1.5–2.5 hours

    Secondary Energy Infobook
    Grades: 9–12
    Time: 1.5–2.5 hours

Energy Efficiency

  • Energy House (1 activity)

    Students learn about efficiency, conservation, and economic returns by using various materials to insulate a cardboard house and then test its efficiency.
    Grades: 4–8
    Time: 1.5–2.5 hours

  • Saving Energy at Home and School (11 activities)

    Students explore energy sources, efficiency, and conservation with hands-on activities for the classroom and home environments.
    Grades: 4–8
    Time: 11 class sessions

  • Building Science (7 activities/2 investigations)

    Students investigate the science behind keeping building occupants healthy and comfortable and our buildings energy efficient. Hands-on activities and simulations help students to evaluate building performance and their own home energy use.
    Grades: 6–8
    Time: 5–10 class sessions


  • Energy from the Sun (8 activities)

    Teacher Guide
    Student Guide
    Hands-on explorations that allow students to investigate solar energy. Students explore radiant energy transforming into thermal energy, chemical energy, and electricity.
    Grades: 6–8
    Time: 5 class sessions

  • Exploring Photovoltaics (9 activities)

    Teacher Guide
    Student Guide
    Secondary students learn how solar energy is used to generate electricity. Students are introduced to photovoltaic systems, concentrated solar power, and developing solar technologies. Activities explore how photovoltaic cells work and what variables affect their electrical output.
    Grades: 9–12
    Time: 5–10 class sessions

  • Schools Going Solar (4 activities)

    Data-driven lessons and activities to support and incorporate installed photovoltaic systems into the classroom learning environment.
    Grades: 6–12
    Time: 10–12 class sessions